Chris Smith provides litigation support services for cases involving online trademark infringement. His background is in internet technology research and development. In the past, he worked for Verizon for ten years, ultimately holding the position as head of one of their technology departments, overseeing a few teams that provided information technology services around one of the company’s top websites. Detailed biography: Chris Smith, Trademark Infringement Expert Witness
In the past, Chris Smith worked first in academia for a few years where he published official digital trademarks for a major university and assisted with other marketing activities in addition to working as a top cartographer. After that, he worked for ten years as an internet technologist for Verizon. Following his term there, he worked for a few of the top search engine marketing agencies and eventually founded his own agency focused on search engine optimization.
Search Engine Optimization, or “SEO”, is a set of practices used to help websites and webpages rank best for keywords searched-for in top search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. Chris Smith is one of the world’s top experts in SEO, and has been cited by many within the industry for his articles on the topic that are published on leading industry news and information websites.
Chris Smith has served as a legal expert witness in a number of lawsuits in Europe and the United States. He has provided expert testimony to the US Department of Justice as well as on cases in both Federal and State courts.
With over $94 Million awarded to our clients, they couldn’t help but be satisfied! We pride ourselves on giving our clients the best chances possible for winning their cases.
Chris Silver Smith has written for prominent industry websites for many years now — to the tune of over 100 articles. His work has been often-cited and has won awards.
Chris Smith has been deposed multiple times and has testified in both federal and state court as well as in an informal hearing with the U.S. Department of Justice.
After working with both NetConcepts (a search marketing company focused on e-commerce catalog sites, since acquired by Covario which subsequently became a part of iProspect) and KeyRelevance LLC (a boutique online marketing agency), Chris Silver Smith founded the Argent Media search marketing agency in Dallas, Texas, in January of 2012. Since then, Argent Media has provided internet marketing service for individuals, small businesses, as well as for Fortune 100 companies. Although locally-based, Argent Media has provided services world-wide.
Do you have pending litigation involving online trademark infringement? Contact us as early as possible in order to insure that there is sufficient time for us to analyze technological issues around online trademark infringement. While we can sometimes work under tight deadlines, your case will be better off if we have enough lead time to be able to research what has happened.